Thursday, February 28, 2008

Grandpa For Hire

During a routine family photo shoot, the following occurred:

  1. Photographer: "OK kids look over here" - that's our queue. Parents & aunts alike start chodeling at all children present w/ the same goal in mind; to get all 5 grandchildren ages 8 & younger to look at the camera at the same exact time with most amazing smiles ever. This is what we got instead:
One enthusiastic grandparent thinking he is being the most helpful grandpa ever and he joins in on the loving heckling from the by standers in the hopes of the same outcome. However, he has clearly forgotten that he is being photographed as well. Now the yelps have turned from children focused to adult focused "Dad! Stop! You are not helping the situation AND you are in these pictures. The grandchildren start looking at him instead of the wierdos making funny faces & noises behind the cute lady with the camera.

Oh - but it gets better. Clearly Grandpa isn't getting the concept as he continues to be what he sees as completely helpful. This is what we wound up with...

This is my most favorit one yet...let me translate the look on Gabe's face:
"My American abuelo is NUTS!"
But, then you wind up with pictures like these next two and you realize all of the banter was well worth it.


Anonymous said...

Ashley this is Misty I forgot my passowrd so I have to comment anonymous and by the way how do I make by blog be able to take anynonomous comments>?? anyway these pictures freaking crack me up. Everyone that has come over I shoe this slide show as well. I love him he is the greatest grandpa ever!!!

Jessica said... stay away too long. Posts like that are priceless. Maybe if you promised Dave some ice cream (like we do with our kids) he'd be better behaved?!

Linsey said...

These are wonderful pictures and your Dad is a crack-up. This is what my brothers do in pictures and it drives everyone crazy - I can only imagine what advice/responses he was getting from his girls during this process.