Monday, February 18, 2008

Oops...She did it again

OK...So I know the whole Britney Spears I LOVE the paparazzi chasing me around, being admitted to the psych ward, thing is blown way out of porportion. However, while studying the latest issue of "Rolling Stone" while on my lunch break, I came across the most outstanding, couldn't be more true, should have been published WAAAAAAAY before now comment:

"Britney isn't America's sweetheart. She's an inbred swamp thing who chain
smokes, doesn't do her nails, and screams at people who want pictures"

So - here's to you author Vanessa Grigoriadis. Thank you for being a straight shooter & telling the public exactly like it is. Nothing like Amercia making an individual straight from the Louisiana swamp into a pop superstar who has a $10 million empire.


Anonymous said...

umm, I think I'd have to agree. even way back then.

love the blog!

Janelle said...

Hi Ashley! It was fun to browse your photos. You are looking fantastic. And it was nice to see you decorating as soon as you moved. I loved living with you, one of my best smell memories is of the candles we had at the entryway to our house in Millcreek.

P.S. Alex still has back problems from throwing buckets of water on you on the river trip. So don't worry - you have your revenge.