Tuesday, August 28, 2007

PMS Band-aids

So, having a really rough night (OK, during the day too) of PMS. I know my PMS is getting bad when I'm feeling like "rage in cage" is going on inside of me and when I want to rip the head off of anyone who is bugging me. It seems as though I will be doing fine and then WHAM! the PMS hits and the next couple of days I declare myself toxic - which for some reason I dilude myself into thinking that actually owning up to my PMS state & being honest about it is somehow honorable.

My roommate greeted me when I got home tonight and she asked me how my day was. I matter of factly declared that "I'm pissy and don't know why. I'm pretty sure it's PMS (then I pulled out my calendar, counted out the days, and of course I was right.)" Her only comment was "I'm scared." Well damn it! She should be! I scare myself sometimes! So, is it an wonder that she just turns a blind eye as I down a Weight Watchers meal so I don't feel suicidal after I mix up a cake and proceed to just eat the batter until I am sick?! And - to add insult to injury - she sits on the couch recovering from her latest lipo surgery - to this I declare 'Bitch!'


Paige said...

Medication is in order. Need a list of options? PMDD is a disease that requires treatment, at least so you don't lose a skinnier (in some places) roommate!

Jessica said...

Doesn't that totally run in the family? Not that your mom wasn't always completely lovely to me, but I used to hear stories...