Monday, July 30, 2007

Tan Lines

It's summer time - we all have tan lines. Could be from the watch you wear everyday to the more exotic "I was in San Diego all weekend and I just laid on the beach." However, I witnessed a tan line that - quite simply - supercedes all others. I was running some errands on Saturday afternoon and happened to drive by a bus stop. There, perched on the bench awaiting a ride from public transportation, was a man with only his jeans on - no shirt. Now, this is not the peculiar part of the site - it's that he had a tan line in the shape of a WIFE BEATER! Now, I live in Arizona where temperatures lately have been in the 110's. It is too freaking hot for any human being to be out for extremem periods of time let alone enough time for this man to get a tan line from wearing his wife beater out in public. Which leads me to believe that the man sports his undershirt and thinks it should pass for an acceptable article of clothing. Stacy London & Clinton Kelly of "What Not To Wear" fame need to hunt this man down and educate him on appropriate attire!


Paige said...

I'm guessing he had sock tans too!

Amy D. Hall Riter said...

Nice tan lines!!! I haven't seen you in such a long time. Miss seeing you!